The Book of Mormon

11 Apr 2013

Interesting! Once again it feels like the entire audience are committed fans who have seen the show fifty times, as everyone is falling about laughing/cheering before the lights have come up. Personally, I thought the production and cast were fantastic – one of the best West End casts I’ve seen for a long time. Boy, do these actors work hard and it’s a joy to see such unbridled commitment from such talented individuals. The set, lighting, choreography, sound are all terrific. But the production itself is really a one joke show. Having never taken the story of Jesus very seriously, I can’t say I was scandalised or found it hilarious to see the Mormon’s belief’s satirised: all religion seems fairly bizarre to me now. And I just couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable in the way the Africans in the story are portrayed. There are some good jokes and fun scenes, but not in a million years would I have guessed this pretty thin material could have become one of the biggest hits of modern times. Which just goes to show how little I know! Hats off to a great cast who give it everything they’ve got.