Bold Steps

23 Oct 2011

The BSC is entering a very interesting stage of development. You could almost say we’re growing up. On a board in our office is a list of current and forthcoming productions. There are twelve at present – in an office of four people – so that’s three productions each? Not quite! The team that runs BSC is working wonderfully well together and collaborating every step of the way. What makes 2011/2012 so interesting is that we’ve never been involved in developing so many plays from scratch – starting with original ideas, leading to new scripts and different forms of production – and working with a wide variety of creative artists, many of them new to the company. It feels like we’re taking very bold steps towards highly imaginative theatre, from stripped-down pure acting shows, to high-tech ambitious productions that will push theatre into unique ways of presentation. It feels like one of the most creative periods we’ve experienced. Meanwhile the shows currently running are generating wonderful reactions from audiences and critics alike. I sat amongst school children in London and gawped as groups of children gave HORRIBLE HISTORIES a standing ovation: it’s not something children normally do. Meanwhile THE JUNGLE BOOK continues its migration across the country and the reaction is tremendous. We’re very lucky to have such excellent companies showing such commitment to their craft and their audiences. And everything we do is funded by you! There are no investors, no sponsors, no public funders backing our work. Just pure ticket income generating new and ever more exciting productions. In less than two weeks we’ll be launching the first of these exciting adventures. Stay tuned!