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18 May 2010

We received a wonderful application for actor/musicians in THE FIREWORK-MAKER’S DAUGHTER. I’ve decided it needs to be shared – I hope you will agree.

“Dear Neal

I have seen your ad in PCR for The Firework-Maker’s Daughter. At first I thought it was not for me, as Birmingham is a bit out of my way, the London address has inspired me to offer my talents, especially as I have recently attended an audition in Regent Street, so should have no trouble getting to the audition…

I therefore enclose a copy of my CV. I have appeared in a number of stage productions, including pantomimes and operas and learned to play the triangle at school. I have two puppets, called Astrid and Arachnae and would like to audition with them. I also have admin skills and a certificate in manual handling which may be of use when helping to move scenery.

I look forward to receiving your reply”

It has to be said, they don’t come much better!