A Miudsummer Night’s Dream

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12 Feb 2010

What a treat we had last night! It was fabulous to see The Rose Theatre packed to the rafters and this theatre works best when it’s full. This is the best Dream I’ve seen, with Oliver Chris as as superb Bottom, William Chubb playing a wholly convincing Egeus doubling as a well disguised Starveling, a great Peter Quince by James Laurenson, the lovely Tam Williams as a gorgeous Lysander, the indomitable Tim Speyer as Snug and the incomparible Judi Dench as Titania.

I’ve been in the show twice myself but I heard lines last night I’ve never ‘heard’ before. I’ve not seen Shakespeare at The Rose but this is clearly its primary purpose as a building – the set by Elizabeth Bury used the fabric of the building with simplicity and beauty and it worked wonders. It’s a fun, clear, poetic, magical production.

This show was an event – just as all theatre should be. How lucky we were to see it!

I’ve been in the show twice myself but I heard lines last night I’ve never ‘heard’ before. I’ve not seen Shakespeare at The Rose but this is clearly its primary purpose as a building – the set by Elizabeth Bury used the fabric of the building with simplicity and beauty and it worked wonders. It’s a fun, clear, poetic, magical production.

This show was an event – just as all theatre should be. How lucky we were to see it!