Why the Whales Came

05 Feb 2009

It’s lovely to get an email like this:

I accompanied a school party from St John’s school in Lacey Green, Bucks. I just had to say I thought the performance of Why the Whales Came was truly magnificent. I thought it mesmerising and somehow haunting and was grateful that my child amongst others had been party to seeing this book come alive. The set, whilst bringing the sea to you left enough to the imagination as did the cast. The birdman was portrayed with humanity but with enough individuality to be believed as being an outcast. The cast were superb, as was the sound effects they created – especially the bird calls. I have to say the cellist perfectly interpreted the story and enhanced the performance. I have never enjoyed anything so much and would just like to say thank you for this.

Thank you Mrs Holman for taking the time to write to us!