The Future

06 Mar 2007

Now PROOF is half way through its run, I find myself stretching my mind towards the future. We have several shows ahead this year – GEORGE’S MARVELLOUS MEDICINE in Scotland, OTHELLO in Birmingham and TREASURE ISLAND on tour. We are also working on HORRIBLE SCIENCE as the next step in producing our HORRIBLE shows.

I don’t know where the next new play will come from – we have been producing a new play each year since 1999. Most writers will obviously send their plays to the Royal Court, Soho Theatre or the National before they send them to us, so we have to be lucky to find that next great new play, although to be fair, I’ve been sent a few plays before they’re produced elsewhere – notably Rebecca Lenkiewicz’s The Night Season which went to the National, a gorgeous new play which just didn’t have a resonance for me personally. So far we have been lucky and found the most wonderful new plays to produce – who knows what will happen as this year unfolds.