Great Holidays!

14 Dec 2006

This year has been fantastic in many ways – and the last ten days have been as good as any.

Three days in New York, then three days with Luke Rhinehart in the gorgeous Hudson countryside of woods and lakes, two days in magnificent Washington, then a final day in New York.

Standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, on the spot where Martin Luther King gave his great speech, was a surreal experience. I have seen that view so many times, all through my life, that it was very hard to accept I was truly there. My brain could barely separate the sensation between the remembered and the real. It was only the following day that I felt I was in Washington and not in some cinematic reality. The weather was extraordinary – and in bright, warm sunshine I spent most of the afternoon wandering between Capitol Hill and the Washington Memorial.

In the Arlington Cemetary, there is a large memorial for J.F.Kennedy, but it was the simple white cross standing alone on the grassy bank for his brother Robert that was particularly moving.

KENSUKE has just opened in London, DANNY is doing amazing business in Birmingham, HORRIBLE HISTORIES starts rehearsals on 2 January and in February we open the West End production of PROOF.

Here we go!