
17 Sep 2006

In the week KENSUKE’S KINGDOM begins the second part of its tour, the production has been nominated for a TMA Award for Best Play for Children and Young People. And its Christmas run in London is heading for a sell-out. Not a bad start to the autumn! I planned to see a dress rehearsal of DANNY THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD yesterday but Birmingham kindly cancelled all its trains to Cardiff! “Is there any station running trains to Cardiff near me?” I enquired. “London” was the helpful reply. So I have missed the run. On the plus side, it gave me an extra day of rest. Going to Cardiff last weekend meant the weekend was too busy to provide me with the rest I needed for rehearing PROOF and running the rest of the company. By Wednesday I was knackered, so I spent three hours gardening as a break! This weekend is giving me a chance to re-charge batteries for the final week of rehearsals for PROOF, which continues to be a joy. We’re doing four performances of PROOF at The New End Theatre in Hampstead if you fancy seeing this great play in the capital; the first time its been seen in London since it’s six week run at The Donmar. There’s more to tell, but as it’s still a sunny September Sunday outside, I’m going back out to catch more sun!