Car Parks

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12 Jul 2020

Well, we did it. We performed a show in front of three hundred cars and I read on Twitter it worked very well. We did a dress rehearsal for our company colleagues and friends and remarkably there wasn’t anything they suggested changing. The next day we performed our first two shows, with another forty coming up. Normally I would have a strong sense whether a show was working or not based purely on the audience response, but the response in a car park with the audience sitting in their cars is new territory. I could make out the smiling faces in the front row of cars and occasionally you could hear the laughter – but for the first time in my life I’m relying on Twitter and Instagram to know what the audience thought – and so far they’re raving about it. Who could have known drive-in theatre would work? It’s the oddest experience of my theatrical life. But then this is the oddest year in my theatrical life. Thank goodness I’m performing with one of my favourite actors, Morgan Philpott. Together I sort of feel we could take on the world. And at the moment our world is cars, flashing lights and beeping horns.