
10 Sep 2006

I suppose companies often use blogs to promote themselves. But believe me, if I am disappointed with any of our work, this will be the place it will appear.

I saw a run of DANNY THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD on Saturday and it was great. I saw a run of KENSUKE’S KINGDOM on Friday and it was also fabulous. With a great first week of rehearsals for PROOF, I can’t believe we have three shows opening within three weeks that are all looking so good. I’m sure it doesn’t happen often. Three very different plays. Three very different worlds. All looking like they will have a great impact on the audiences to come.

The anniversary of 9/11 reminded me of what we were doing five years ago. On September 11th we had a production meeting for JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH. The city of New York, where the peach lands, had been created by our designer Jackie using three separate pieces of set to create the Manhatten skyline. We decided we only wanted to use two pieces. So at 8.30am New York time, we cut the Twin Towers from the set. At 8.46am the first plane hit.