Acting – Chapter Two

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06 Oct 2010

Of course the big difference between acting with your own company and working freelance is that on the first day you have no idea who you’re going to be working with. So could my first two jobs have been any better? Working on HUSTLE, my first time on set, was a dream. My scene was with Adrian Lester, Kelly Adams and Robert Vaughan – just the four of us – so no pressure then. And all three couldn’t been gentler or more welcoming. The entire team was unbelievably slick, without any sense of rush. And even lunch was good!

I’ve now just started at the Coventry Belgrade in ONE NIGHT IN NOVEMBER – and what a cast! It’s a great spread of ages and the read-through was tremendous. I feel very lucky indeed to be working with such great talent. It feels like it’s going to be a pretty sensational show if you’re interested in seeing it – and already looks set to become a complete sell-out.

As first jobs go, I’m feeling like a very lucky man.

And as a producer? The three companies of HORRIBLE SCIENCE, GEORGE and now THE FIREWORK-MAKER’S DAUGHTER are proving to be a dream. It’s extraordinarily fortunate that the BSC has landed itself with such a talented and committed group of companies. SCIENCE is now in London, GEORGE follows shortly and there’ll be FIREWORKS in Bromley before the month is out!