
11 May 2008

Those of you experienced at auditions need read no further. Those are are new to the game, this may be helpful: If you are coming to meet us for an audition this week, it’s worth knowing we hold auditions in the old-fashioned way. The first auditions are quite brief and in most cases we like to see a prepared speech (sometimes two if the first doesn’t give us enough to work with) and sometimes you will be asked to read a section of the script. We tend not to do too much talking at this stage, unless we’ve reached that stage in the day when we need a break from speeches! But however brief it may seem, it’s your audition, so take your time and don’t be rushed. Don’t be afraid to ask any questions. And have a look at my blog entry about preparation a bit further down. Remember, the people you are about to meet need to cast their show. They are very hopeful that you will solve their problem. They want you to succeed!