As you can see from the date of the entries below, I’m not very good at keeping up to date with diaries! I stopped writing my own personal diary in 1992 and clearly I haven’t picked up the habit again easily! My March resolution will be ‘try harder’!
It looks like I’ve achieved my aim to map out the future of the company and we have now agreed what we are producing for the next two years. There’s a wonderful feeling about knowing what is coming upon you, although at the same time I resent the lack of immediacy that long-term planning brings into your life. Thinking ahead reduces the chance of surprises and I like surprises, so long as they come in innocent, easy to handle, thoroughly enjoyable packages!
If you’ve looked at the Welcome page you’ll know what we’re doing this year. I’m delighted that for the first time ever we’ll have five different productions appearing in Birmingham – HORRIBLE HISTORIES just sold-out at the Alexandra Theatre and they are soon to host a return visit of THE JUNGLE BOOK. This autumn we are staging PROOF and if any of you are desperate to see a new, gripping and intelligent play, you should make sure you get to see PROOF when it comes to The Old Rep. They don’t come much better!
If you are an actor reading this blog, look out for casting reports soon in SBS, PCR etc. We have three shows to cast in the next two months: you can always send us an SAE and you’ll receive the details as soon as they are announced. And in the meantime, I’ll try and keep to the resolution..!