This isn’t a typical entry for this blog, but I would like to publicly express my long held disgust and deep distrust of Ed Miliband. I’ve not expressed it before as it probably wouldn’t have made any sense, but recent events in Syria have brought him back into the spotlight. It was Ed Miliband, who in my opinion disgracefully and disingenuously whipped his party into voting against David Cameron’s proposal to punish Bashar al-Assad for using chemical weapons on his own people, for no better reason than to embarrass Cameron with a Commons defeat, which heartbreakingly led President Obama to back away from taking US action. I have never believed Miliband’s protestations that it was because there was no long term plan – and the UK’s failure to act left a void open for Russia to fill in the barbaric fashion we’ve come to know better elsewhere. Indeed, it was the West’s failure to act against Assad that could well have given Putin the message that he would be free to attack Ukraine. By some bizarre chance, I once ended up standing next to Miliband at the complaints counter at Hampstead’s Marks & Spencer, but didn’t think it was the best time to bring up Syria. I won’t pass up the next opportunity.