
24 Jun 2007

Not since Downfall have I seen something so good as The Lives of Others. It’s still running in cinemas and is well worth seeing. A great story with superb performances by all involved.

I can’t help feeling jealous that they producing Speed-the-Plow at the Old Vic. It was one of my favourite BSC productions and also marked our debut at the Edinburgh Festival. I just had an instinct it would work at Edinburgh, even though as usual with me, this instinct was based on a distant lack of knowledge, as I had never been to the festival, even as a visitor! But intuition paid off and we were lucky enough to get three 5 star reviews within two days of opening, so enjoyed full houses. The Scotsman called it ‘almost perfect theatre’, the List said ‘these actors take Mamet’s diamonds and buff ‘em till they shine like angel’s tears’.

The Dice House was our second visit to Edinburgh and that ended up in the West End, so I should really have taken our production of Collision to attempt a hatrick, but I was fightened off by the huge amount of work involved in each visit.

Collision is coming out as a film shortly – but like Speed-the-Plow, I doubt I’ll see it – the memories of our own productions are too precious.

I’m stupid like that!