Jungle Beat

03 Aug 2006

THE JUNGLE BOOK is coming to an end this Saturday, after two years on the road, although it’s not quite over. We all travel to Dubai for a week from 20 August for our third trip to that extraordinary place. Well, not quite all! Five members of the company decided Dubai was not for them (!?!) so four members of the first tour, plus myself playing Tabaqui, will join the remaining five to make up the company.

We rehearsed last week in Chester and it was very strange to be performing in a play I have been watching for two years. But there’s no denying it’s a great show and it’s marvellous to be up there singing the last number! I’m really glad to be playing Tabaqui, who is mad as a march hare and perfect for me!

This week we’re doing HORRIBLE HISTORIES in Southampton and having a great week. It’s another huge theatre which is wonderful to play and the audiences have been great fun. We threw in a new line today to get a laugh we’ve been looking for and it worked a treat! Doubtless this will be one of those annoying shows where I’ll find myself trying something new on the last night and it will work wonderfully – which only makes you think “why didn’t I think of that three months ago??!”.