Last Night

28 Oct 2007

What is it about last nights? The last night of PROOF in Birmingham was a particularly special experience, but somehow I didn’t expect OTHELLO to move into that catagory. Yet about 15 minutes into last night’s show – something clicked. Something I’d been hoping for since we first opened. For the first time I really was able to believe this was happening for the first and last time, that all Iago’s dreams hinged on convincing his victims to go along with his plan, that there was no longer any certainty they would. This seems obvious and it illustrates the difficulty I’ve had of getting under the skin of this man, but it was a good way to end a run.

The week in London played to 84% capacity. Quite unexpected. Who would have thought you could bring OTHELLO to London for a week and sell-out two of the shows, particularly with the Donmar’s production looming. And to think at one point we cancelled the London week when the Donmar announced their plans. I’m very glad we didn’t!