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13 Apr 2008
It would be hard to think of two finer performances in a musical than the current leads in WICKED. Dianne Pilkington and Kerry Ellis are exemplary. In fact everyone in... read more
09 Apr 2008
Charlton Heston
My idol for years! Michael Moore put paid to my boyhood admiration of Heston in his film BOWLING FOR COLOMBINE – plus the fact that Heston’s autobiography (I have a... read more
08 Apr 2008
Sometimes it’s hard to keep up! Next week we will have five shows on stage – in London, Hull, Wolverhampton, Horsham and Kingston. Thirty-three actors, ten stage managers, three wardobe,... read more
06 Apr 2008
With three new shows coming up, we have to cast 27 actors before the end of July. I have to confess that casting is one of my least favourite activities:... read more
04 Apr 2008
Danny the Champion of the World
It’s great when people write to us about our shows: this has arrived from Helen Tivey who saw the show in Bromley. Thank you Helen! I just wanted to say... read more
29 Mar 2008
Age Concern
I’ve recently joined the Good Neighbour scheme run by Age Concern and for the last few weeks I’ve been visiting an elderly neighbour for an hour a week to provide... read more
28 Mar 2008
I was one of twenty-seven people in the UK who had still not seen THE HISTORY BOYS…until last night. It’s so enjoyable to watch a good new play (does it... read more
23 Mar 2008
Every so often (it’s now happened twice to me) you turn on the TV and ‘discover’ a great movie you never knew existed. A fortnight ago I turned on the... read more
20 Mar 2008
Paul Scofield
The world has lost one of its greatest actors, and on a personal note, I have lost one of the most influential men in my life. Thank you Paul for... read more
18 Mar 2008
Into the Hoods
If there are two better, sexier, more enjoyable dancers in the West End than Sarah Richards and Rowan Hawkins, I’d like to see them. Two people who make it look... read more