18 Mar 2008
It’s just worth mentioning that I got it hopelessly wrong on HAIRSPRAY. Which just goes to prove I have very little idea what I’m talking about. Speaking of wrong, one... read more
04 Mar 2008
There Will Be Blood
Well no-one who reads this blog expects me to be conventional, but I was a surprised to find myself sitting outside of this film. I was once told and have... read more
29 Feb 2008
Stand In
Actor/Manager? I’ve now appeared in all three of our current tours to keep the show up to full strength – and the curtain up! Over Christmas it was Dad in... read more
21 Feb 2008
Four Shows
Of course this is when it starts to get mad. We have four shows performing this week – all for children – all over the country. What’s more – they’re... read more
15 Feb 2008
Derby Playhouse has closed. What a disaster. There have clearly been a lot of problems at the venue but by withdrawing its grant, the Arts Council sounded the death knell... read more
11 Feb 2008
Last night at the Bafta’s I experienced the madness of the celebrity cult more acutely than I’ve been aware of it before. I arrived at the same time as Keira... read more
17 Jan 2008
No Country for Old Men
Some great acting in this gripping, exciting film but I am unsure why the film itself has been celebrated more than, for example, IN THE VALLEY OF ELAH which seemed... read more
09 Jan 2008
The following theatre organisations have been reported in the press as in danger of being cut or axed by The Arts Council: Quicksilver, Pop-Up, London Bubble, Union Dance, Bush, LIFT,... read more
24 Dec 2007
Well what a year it has been! I had to miss the trip to Dubai with KENSUKE’S KINGDOM in order to join the cast of PROOF in the West End... read more
23 Nov 2007
War Horse
Luke Treadaway is giving a superb performance as Albert in WAR HORSE at the National. The horse puppets are tremendous, but it was Luke that delivered the coup de theatre... read more