18 Nov 2007
I watched DOWNFALL again last night for another chance to see the performance of Bruno Ganz as Hitler. It’s a performance of such depth and detail that, in every respect,... read more
31 Oct 2007
Michael Ball
In recent years I have grown to dislike Michael Ball on stage – he’s become a favourite pet hate. I loved him in Les Mis but his on-stage persona has... read more
28 Oct 2007
Last Night
What is it about last nights? The last night of PROOF in Birmingham was a particularly special experience, but somehow I didn’t expect OTHELLO to move into that catagory. Yet... read more
26 Oct 2007
Treasure Island
I watched a staggered run through of the play today and was held on the edge of my seat. It may be the most exciting rehearsal I have ever seen... read more
12 Oct 2007
The Actor’s Dilemma
If you ask a director what he wants to do next and he replies: “I want to direct HAMLET”, it will naturally prompt all sorts of questions: how will you... read more
12 Oct 2007
Olivier recommended that an actor should feel free to steal, so long as he/she only steals from the best. So with reference to an earlier entry in this blog, I... read more
10 Oct 2007
Will Iago be one of my favourite roles when I look back? I’m not sure. There is something very strange about sitting on the side of the stage before curtain... read more
01 Oct 2007
Ned Sherrin
Sad to hear tonight of the death of Ned Sherrin. My first ever radio interview was 18 years ago on Radio 4’s LOOSE ENDS, hosted by NS. I was terrible,... read more
30 Sep 2007
OTHELLO has been running for two weeks in Birmingham. Excellent reviews have boyed the company and the show is being very well received. Last night I could hear people crying... read more
25 Aug 2007
I feel for Dominic Leyton this weekend. His play COLLISION, which we premiered to great success three years ago and revived for a British Council visit to Malta, has been... read more