Round Up!

04 Nov 2006

It was confirmed this week that PROOF will be going to The Arts Theatre in the West End in February for four weeks. So anyone interested should put 20 Feburary in their diaries. We are still receiving great feedback from the show’s run in Birmingham so we’re very excited about the run in London.

Rehearsals start next week for GEORGE’S MARVELLOUS MEDICINE which is going to Malta for a week and we’ve just started auditions for HORRIBLE HISTORIES which begins in January. Meanwhile preparations are underway for a major production of HORRIBLE SCIENCE, which I didn’t think would be my cup of tea, as science was never my favourite subject, but I’ve got a feeling it could be a very exciting project. As ever, children’s theatre gives you a chance to go bonkers, and that has always appealed to me!

KENSUKE’S KINGDOM and DANNY THE CHAMPION OF THE WORLD are going amazingly well. The feedback is tremendous for both shows and they are selling well for their respective Christmas runs in London and Birmingham. I think KK in London will be a sell-out.

There’s a debate at The National late November about censorship in theatre following BEHZTI and JERRY SPRINGER. My view is that people are trying to shut the stable door long after the horse has bolted. The men of violence won in Birmingham; the extremists succeeded in destorying JERRY SPRINGER. Whoever has to face the mob next time round is going to face incredible obstacles because of the failure of the theatre profession to stand up for freedom in the past. They took it for granted and now we are paying the price for their nonchalance. I say ‘they’ because I was appalled at the posturing of some of the leaders of our profession at the time of BEHZTI. It wasn’t inspiring.

However, if we follow the advice of Peter Sellers, there is hope in confronting complicated issues if the right work is done in advance. Let’s hope people take a leaf out of his book.