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08 Oct 2009

I’ve hesitated to write anything about SKELLIG. When something goes so well the first time round, it’s always cause for nerves when you assemble again with a new cast and tackle the show a second time. Thankfully all has gone wonderfully well. It’s a fantastic group of people/actors and the show has been getting an ecstatic response from the audience. We’re enjoying our first week of touring at The Lowry and reviews are coming in. It’s also great to tackle a role after a year’s break. Suddenly all those things you never quite understood become clear – lines that seem utterly obvious now. And the experience of life over the last year has informed the character. Strangely, this is only my second national tour and I’m not used to it. But you couldn’t ask for a nicer group of people so I’m settling into the routine! Next week, we’re off to the home of David Almond and SKELLIG – Newcastle!