
24 Sep 2006

I’m very excited to be performing again at The Old Rep because it’s a space that works. There’s such a difference between performing somewhere that works and somewhere that doesn’t. The new Birmingham Rep building seems to put a distance between the actor and the audience. In contrast, The Bristol Old Vic works beautifully and nearly all Frank Matcham’s theatres are wonderful – we played a lot of them on the tour of HORRIBLE HISTORIES.

The Old Rep is another fantastic space. It has the two major qualities you need – its own energy and a focus. All great theatres manage to focus your attention exactly where you need it. The Pleasance in London is a prime example of a theatre which doesn’t have any innate energy or focus. It makes everything on stage feel a spare. That’s why I love playing the St James Cavalier Theatre in Malta – it’s a new space in the round that works perfectly. Another new theatre that works very well is The Lowry – and that’s one of the biggest theatres in the country, with a capacity of 1700.

I could go on and on – but you’ll be pleased to discover I won’t!