The Dice House

20 Dec 2008

In 2003 I had the time of my life playing Dr Ratner in THE DICE HOUSE at The Arts Theatre. We first produced the play at The Old Red Lion and then took it to The Edinburgh Festival, followed by its West End run. It’s always been one of my favourite theatrical experiences. And it’s how I met Luke Rhinehart, Paul Lucas, Jim Low, Chris Fisher, Elizabeth Scott, Jeremy Crutchley, James Carcaterra – the list goes on. About two months ago I was driving up the M1 when the play came into my mind and I thought how great it would be to play the other leading role in the show, the extraordinary Dr Drabble. As sometimes seems to happen in my life, about two weeks later I got an email asking if I’d like to audition for Drabble in a fringe production of the play runing in January. I didn’t need to give it a second’s thought. And so here we are, after the first week’s rehearsal, and I am slipping back into the play like a fish into water. What a glorious script Paul has written – some of the best dialogue I’ve ever had the joy of speaking – and a lovely new cast – including a great Ratner. Happy chances like this don’t come along often – and The Dice House is all about the glory of chance!