I am coming to the end of the busiest four years of my life – but I’m not quite there. We’re into our second week of rehearsals for TOM GATES and it’s proving to be a very exciting home run! Based on Liz Pichon’s best-selling books, we’ve created a brand-new story which is different to anything we’ve done before. It combines actors, graphics and music in a hugely exciting way that is testing my brain power as we put the show together. We’ve also a brilliantly young and vibrant cast who are a joy to watch working together. Doing a play featuring children with adult actors can often be tricky but our cast fit into the roles beautifully and are working seamlessly together with tremendous energy. If ever I needed an exciting show to keep my juices flowing after stepping off the stage at Alexandra Palace, TOM GATES is proving to be the one! I literally can’t wait to see it all come together.