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09 Nov 2011
The BBC 1 programme IMAGINE stunned me again last night with a fantastic programme about Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel and their making of the album Bridge Over Troubled Water.... read more
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05 Nov 2011
I appear to have joined that small club who were disappointed with SKYFALL. I know many have loved it and the critics are raving, but I confess to being bewildered.... read more
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03 Nov 2011
Barmy Britain
The BSC has always had a reputation for being cheeky – I can’t think where that’s come from?! So when we were deciding where to launch our West End premiere... read more
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23 Oct 2011
Bold Steps
The BSC is entering a very interesting stage of development. You could almost say we’re growing up. On a board in our office is a list of current and forthcoming... read more
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11 Oct 2011
Understudies Rule!
It’s been a good month for BSC understudies! Jennifer O’Neill is to play the lead role in THE FIREWORK-MAKER’S DAUGHTER in London after understudying the role so wonderfully in Birmingham... read more
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12 Aug 2011
Saw Ghost last night and it works. I didn’t believe the two leads had even a passing interest in each other as chemistry proves elusive. But the show is well... read more
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26 Jul 2011
I always wonder why there is always so little mention of the psychopathic condition when events occur of the type that have happened in Norway. It was playing Iago in... read more
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08 Jul 2011
A Second Chance
David Cameron says he wanted to give Andy Coulson a second chance. When I was about 12 I remember my father driving me to school and telling me never to... read more
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01 Jul 2011
I am very unsure about the move towards broadcasting live shows over the digital network to audiences around the country. It seems to me the essential nature of theatre is... read more
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15 Jun 2011
I am probably over-reacting but I was pretty ashamed to watch last night’s opening of SHREK. What is happening to British theatre? Once again we were forced to watch unqualified... read more