13 Jan 2007
Naomie Harris
Naomie Harris has been nominated for a BAFTA in the catagory of rising star! It’s the one award which the public get to decide. If you’d like to vote for... read more
11 Jan 2007
Coram Boy
There are some shows I book with dread and this was top of the list. Five star reviews and hyped to the gunwales. Which meant I entered the theatre with... read more
08 Jan 2007
I am afraid I have to be controversial and it has nothing to do with theatre. I did not find the hanging of Saddam Hussein deplorable. I did not think... read more
07 Jan 2007
Kensuke’s Critics
Well we had to put up with being “solid entertainment” in the Guardian. Just as we received news that we are shortly going to be completely sold out for the... read more
07 Jan 2007
2007 is upon us. This is going to be quite a year! I wish LOVESONGS had been better. It features one of my favourite actors, Cillian Murphy. I left the... read more
29 Dec 2006
A Lot of People
The BSC will have entertained 70,000 people this Christmas at The Old Rep and The Bloomsbury. That seems like an awful lot of people! Time Out reckoned KENSUKE’S KINGDOM was... read more
28 Dec 2006
A Date for your Diary
The press night for PROOF at The Arts Theatre is 19 February at 7pm! As a blog afficionado, just email me to receive a concession priced ticket of £15. [email protected]... read more
24 Dec 2006
Little Miss Sunshine
If you haven’t seen this film, I would highly recommend it. I have not laughed in a cinema like this since A Fish Called Wanda! It’s a glorious film with... read more
20 Dec 2006
We returned today after a fantastic week in Malta. This was the hat-trick we all hoped for, following COLLISION and THE RETURN – and GEORGE’S MARVELLOUS MEDICINE was to be... read more
20 Dec 2006
Kevin Spacey
Whatever MOON FOR THE MISBEGOTTEN was like when it opened, it doesn’t feel like it’s worn well. It took a while to work out what might have happened, but the... read more