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10 Dec 2014
Christopher Jefferies
I posted his blog while waiting to hear news about my teacher Christopher Jefferies who is the subject of a TV drama tonight in which I was invited to appear.... read more
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19 Aug 2014
Horrible Present Day
On Sunday we were performing Horrible Histories in the West End, when a cold thought crossed my mind. Holding a severed head in my hand, I was busy explaining to... read more
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16 Jul 2014
I have long held the view that child abuse is much more common than acknowledged. The scale of the problem was brought home to me a decade ago by a... read more
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30 May 2014
Yesterday I had the maddest thirty minutes of my entire mad life. I was auditioning for character roles in a major video game in which I was asked to portray... read more
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30 May 2014
Diane Abbott
I long ago lost faith in Diane Abbott but her reprimand of Ed Miliband in yesterday’s Guardian was her finest hour. When a Labour leader starts questioning the numbers of... read more
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26 May 2014
“Many people – many nations – can find themselves holding, more or less wittingly, that ‘every stranger is an enemy’. For the most part this conviction lies deep down like... read more
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19 May 2014
I really enjoyed a recent visit to see PYJAMA GAME at the Shaftesbury Theatre but it left me with a question. The director, designer, costume designer and musical director have... read more
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04 Mar 2014
My teacher Christopher Jefferies, wrongly arrested for the murder of Joanna Yeates in Bristol, gave an excellent talk last week on the British media. At the time I was astonished... read more
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20 Oct 2013
I didn’t realise how moving it would be to see clothes from Tudor times which are now on display at a wonderful exhibition of Elizabethan’s at the National Portrait Gallery.... read more
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08 Jul 2013
Horrible Times
It was only today as I sat on a bench overlooking Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge that it occurred to me that over the weekend BSC has been... read more