10 Apr 2007
There is nothing guaranteed to drive you into insanity more convincingly than looking through thousands – and thousands – of CV’s. We’ve just started re-casting DANNY – and my mind... read more
10 Apr 2007
There’s More
The other advice Mr Cleese gave me (he won’t leave me alone) and certainly the most challenging: The hardest but most important thing to discover in your life: to find... read more
02 Apr 2007
I was given a piece of advice when I was nineteen by John Cleese. Actually he gave me two pieces of advice but I never did take up tai chi.... read more
29 Mar 2007
LIPA had their showcase today. It was a shame that so few people from the industry were there to see them. In recent years, two LIPA graduates have played lead... read more
19 Mar 2007
It’s Over
If you read this blog you will probably be fed up hearing about PROOF, so you’ll be pleased to know it ended wonderfully on Saturday. Last performances are not often... read more
11 Mar 2007
Final Week
The last week of PROOF starts Tuesday. It’s been a wonderful journey. Plays like this just don’t come around that often. I have continued to discover new things in the... read more
06 Mar 2007
The Future
Now PROOF is half way through its run, I find myself stretching my mind towards the future. We have several shows ahead this year – GEORGE’S MARVELLOUS MEDICINE in Scotland,... read more
02 Mar 2007
The Government Responds
Those of who follow this blog avidly – an elite and handsome group no doubt – will be pleased to hear that following my letter to Gordon Brown, suggesting it... read more
26 Feb 2007
Do You Like Travel?
When he was aggravated, my acting guru Nat Brenner used to ask: “Do you like travel?” To which the answer was normally yes. “Do you like sex?” To which the... read more
21 Feb 2007
I think this could get boring, but if you’re interested in reviews for PROOF, here is the news. I was wrong. Charles Spencer of The Daily Telegraph has warmed to... read more